Av(1243, 2143)
The requested set is not in the database, but a symmetry of it is.
Generating Function
Counting Sequence
1, 1, 2, 6, 22, 90, 394, 1806, 8558, 41586, 206098, 1037718, 5293446, 27297738, 142078746, ...
Implicit Equation for the Generating Function
To create this heatmap, we sampled 1,000,000 permutations of length 300
uniformly at random. The color of the point

This specification was found using the strategy pack "Point And Row Placements" and has 19 rules.
Found on April 25, 2021.Finding the specification took 108 seconds.
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This specification was found using the strategy pack "Point Placements Req Corrob" and has 24 rules.
Found on April 25, 2021.Finding the specification took 113 seconds.
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This specification was found using the strategy pack "Point And Row Placements Req Corrob" and has 24 rules.
Found on April 25, 2021.Finding the specification took 122 seconds.
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This specification was found using the strategy pack "Point And Col Placements Req Corrob" and has 20 rules.
Found on April 25, 2021.Finding the specification took 117 seconds.
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This specification was found using the strategy pack "Point Placements" and has 24 rules.
Found on April 25, 2021.Finding the specification took 145 seconds.
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